Monday, March 29, 2010

sick as dog

As you may have guessed, I am pretty frigging sick right now. I'm coughing up a storm, I can't swallow, my nose is clogged, and all my muscles get the picture. But it made me wonder, where on earth did the expression "sick as a dog" come from?

I don't think dogs get sick any more than people do. They probably get sick less actually. And when they do get sick, it's not always this big horrible ordeal that would inspire a new expression. So why do people chose to pick on dogs? I have plenty of friends who own dogs, and they all seem perfectly decent (the dogs I mean...not so sure about the friends...).

Anyways, seeing as I'm sick, I am far too lazy to research this. I let you down, I know. I apologize. But if you do happen to know where the expression came from, let me know. You will be the hero of a sick bitch (I'm assuming this is appropriate here since we are on the topic of dogs, and I am cranky out of my mind).

That reminds me, since DOG starts with D, that D is for Doctor Who Defeating Doctor Doom in a Deadly Disco Dance-off. This brings us to the fun site of the day (courtesy, once again, of my geekiest buddy). This truly is the most badass alphabet ever. It makes a ton of Star Trek references, which makes me happy. Gotta go sleep off these evil bacteria now.

Live long and prosper.

PS. Interested in Bacteria?? Here is a BONUS SITE! This is why we are not all dead.

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