Do people think that just because a store or magazine says something, they have to do it? That's a terrible habit. And to quote Alice In Wonderland a little bit here (if you havn't seen it, please do so soon. It's amazing. I recommend the 3-D version., if someone told you that wearing a codfish on your head was proper, would you do it? Then why do you insist on wearing plaid? It doesn't even match anything.
The other thing that bothers me about plaid shirts, is that guys and girls both wear them very similarly. The patterns and colours are identical. That's not to say that guys and girls can't wear similar clothing. I'm all for chicks wearing jeans. But when you get to a point where you can't tell guys and girls apart from the back, you've got a problem.
While we're on the subject of hideous items of clothing, what's with those Ugg boots? Sorry ladies, but they make you look like you just got back from mammoth hunting with your tribe. They look bad when they get wet, and I can't imagine that they're very warm when you use them as winter boot.
I am totally not sorry for trashing your clothing if you like that sort of stuff. Just don't do it.
Live long and prosper.
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