I'm not saying that I have any more right than the next person to write a blog, but I've definitely read a lot of things that made me want to shoot myself. That can't be a good thing. It made me wonder why people think their material is interesting to read. Again, I am already well aware that the only person reading this is me.
The first big issue I have is with people that are TOO casual. They'll open with "I hope you like my blog...or don't. I don't care". If you don't care if people are reading your blog, then why are you writing it? Obviously, there's some secret little glimmer of despair deep within your mind begging for attention, so just admit it!
Then are people who just share too much about themselves, and their problems. Nobody wants to go onto your blog expecting a good rant, only to find out that the writer has poured out their entire, depressing life story. If they want a sobfest, they'll read Nicholas Sparks in a bubble bath, maybe with a few scented candles for extra effect.
And don't get me started on the pretentious whores. Oh wait, you already did. Please please please, for the love of all that is deeper than your cakey makeup, do not try to sound deep. If you have thought of it, someone has definitely thought of it before. You're not a Philosopher.
Finally, there are just flat out idiots. it really pisses me off when people go on a rant, or decide to share something that they feel is important, but they are totally uninformed and yet trying to sound like an expert on the subject. JFGI, or STFU. Additionally, stay off Wikipedia. It only tell you what you want to hear, and makes you seem even more stupid than you already are.
Also, in order to not sound like a hypcrite, I looked up the rules of the internet, and so far, am not in violation. http://knowyourmeme.com/i/30662/original/rules.jpg.jpg?1260852319
Live long and prosper.
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