Tuesday, December 21, 2010

yellow snow

I would just like to add something to my last post: Due to scheduling conflicts, and someone's best interest, cream cheese has been added to the icing. That is all.

So the weather's getting colder. Snow's piling up (eh). The year is coming to a close. Since this is such an important time of year, a lot of people are focused on themselves, and are determined to set new goals to better themselves. It's such a hectic time, in fact, that most people forget a lot of the basic rules of survival that scraped them through natural selection.

People, (ok, let's be honest here...)
Person, I am here to get you through the new year. Here are a few things you will need to remember in everyday life. I'll skip over the obvious things like sleeping and partying it up every so often. Those will come naturally. Other things, like breathing, may be a little trickier for you to master.

1) Rules one and two.
2) RULES ONE AND TWO! (It's not that hard people!!!)
3) When given the choice between veggies and cake, pick cake.
4) Gravy boats works better when they have chocolate sauce in them.
5) Don't talk to people on the bus. Even if it is the holiday season, it's still creepy.
6) If your sock has a hole in it, you'll be wearing boots anyways.
7) Stop signs aren't optional... on the third Tuesday day of every month that starts with an M, as long as the digits of that day add up to 6.
8) If you listen to Justin Beaver, Lolcat will eat your cookeez.
9) Don't lick frozen metal poles, silly.
10) Don't eat the yellow snow. (This one is especially tricky to remember, but I KNOW you can do it.)

I hope you follow these guidelines, and are successful in surviving the most wonderful time of the year. http://corndogger.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/invisible-frozen-pole-271x300.jpg

Live long and prosper.

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