Sunday, December 26, 2010


For centuries, parents have been discouraging their children from doing drugs. Which is totally understandable. They do horrible things to your brain. I'll try not to preach about that too much, but it really feels like today could turn into a rant day.

One thing that really makes me laugh though, is when mothers tell their daughters to stop smoking pot, right after ordering them a quadruple shot latte in a coffee shop (a personal favourite of mine). Maybe they just don't understand the addictive qualities in coffee that are also present in any other drug. When people wake up in the morning with a headache, and need their coffee fix, it's an addiction.

Some people that I know, (not gonna name any names, but it is NOT me) are hooked to the point that they are physically sick if they don't get caffeine for a couple days. It doesn't matter though, because it's delicious. Here a are a few more things you might want to know about coffee

On the subject of overpriced coffee, I would just like to point out that that is what is making you fat. People don't realize that unless you specifically order a non-fat/sugar-free drink, or just have straight coffee, there are a billion calories in there. You are paying to be fat. I totally don't have anything against coffee, just stop complaining.

Drugs are good.

Live long and prosper.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

yellow snow

I would just like to add something to my last post: Due to scheduling conflicts, and someone's best interest, cream cheese has been added to the icing. That is all.

So the weather's getting colder. Snow's piling up (eh). The year is coming to a close. Since this is such an important time of year, a lot of people are focused on themselves, and are determined to set new goals to better themselves. It's such a hectic time, in fact, that most people forget a lot of the basic rules of survival that scraped them through natural selection.

People, (ok, let's be honest here...)
Person, I am here to get you through the new year. Here are a few things you will need to remember in everyday life. I'll skip over the obvious things like sleeping and partying it up every so often. Those will come naturally. Other things, like breathing, may be a little trickier for you to master.

1) Rules one and two.
2) RULES ONE AND TWO! (It's not that hard people!!!)
3) When given the choice between veggies and cake, pick cake.
4) Gravy boats works better when they have chocolate sauce in them.
5) Don't talk to people on the bus. Even if it is the holiday season, it's still creepy.
6) If your sock has a hole in it, you'll be wearing boots anyways.
7) Stop signs aren't optional... on the third Tuesday day of every month that starts with an M, as long as the digits of that day add up to 6.
8) If you listen to Justin Beaver, Lolcat will eat your cookeez.
9) Don't lick frozen metal poles, silly.
10) Don't eat the yellow snow. (This one is especially tricky to remember, but I KNOW you can do it.)

I hope you follow these guidelines, and are successful in surviving the most wonderful time of the year.

Live long and prosper.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Cupcake cupcake cupcupcake. Cuppety-cake cake cupcake cupcake cupcake. Cake? Cupcake. Cupcake cup cakecake cupcake. Cupcake cupcake-cupcake cuppycake cup. Cup cake. Cupcakey. Cakey cup! Cupcake.

Cupcake cupcake cupcake. Cup cakecake cake. Cup. Cupcakecup. Cakecup. Cupcake cupcake cupcake cupcake cupcake cupcake. Cupcake. Cuppy cakey! Cupcup. Cupcake. Cup cake cupcake cupcake.

Icing. Hells yes, icing.

Cupcake cupcake cupcake cupcake. Cup... cake. Cuppy cupcake. Cakeddy cupcake. Cup cupcake. Cupcake cupcake cupcake. Cuppycakester cup cup. Cupcake cake cake cake. Cupcake. Cupcake-cake. Cup? Cake! Cupcake.

Cupcake cupcake cupcake cup. Cake. Cup cakecup. Cakey cup cuppy. Cake cupcake cupcake cupcake cupcake cupcake. Cupcake. Cup cake cupcake.


Live long and prosper.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

bullies are people too

I'm just gonna dive right into this. What's with all these anti-bully days or weeks that keep taking place in schools? Isn't the basis of bullying making someone feel badly for being different that you are? For picking on them because you don't like what they do? Anti-bullying days totally defeat the point of anti-bullying days.

Has no one even thought that bullies are mean simply because people wanted them gone? Bullies bully people, and therefore said people hold anti-bully days. These anti-bully days make bullies feel terrible, which causes them to bully people even more. You still with me?

It's one of those obnoxious chicken vs. egg things. Which started first? You tell me. Vicious cycles are one of my biggest pet peeves. Someone or something in the cycle just needs to be the bigger man and leave the country.

So guys, if you're going to take anything away from this, just remember that bullies are people too. They're born, they grow up, they die, and THEY HAVE RIGHTS!

Live long and prosper.

Friday, December 10, 2010

anorexic plastic

If there's one thing I love to do, it's spend money. On my friends, myself, strangers who need a few extra dimes at the vending machines, or those creepy Salvation Army Santas who glare at you until you empty your pockets.
On a totally related note (I promise) I've
recently started working at a grocery store, and
have a lot of extra money to spend. The only
problem with that, is all my money has to be stored
on a strange, rectangular card made of flexible
plastic. And that thing has issues. We're talking
anorexia, social anxiety, depression, not to
mention it's blatant disregard for any rules I set

That crazy card goes on a mad binge every two weeks, then suddenly, it throws up everything it possibly can before it's forced to eat again. No wonder it never gains any weight. As if that weren't bad enough it gets so tiny that I can rarely find it when I need it.

It's so ashamed of itself that it hides in the deepest folds of my bags, totally unwilling to let the rest of the world see it. It stays tucked away for ages. Half the time, when I do find it, it doesn't even work, or it swipes the wrong way so that people can't see it's face.

Don't get me wrong, I love my little anorexic piece of plastic, but there are days when I wish I could just snap it in half; It has a nasty rebellious side to it. It will go and purchase luxury items that are no where to be seen on my carefully laid-out shopping lists. This of course causes it to lose weight much faster, until it withers away into nearly nothing.

So for all of you out there with those strange plastic cards at your fingertips, take care to raise them well, in order to avoid such difficulties. If anyone's like me, you might do better to shop online. Check out for a bit of a laugh, without the risk of your card throwing up.

Live long and prosper.